The Leading Textile Manufacturer in Indonesia
- Brand Audit
- Brand Strategy
- Brand Implementation
Duniatex is an integrated and world class textile company that focuses on spinning, weaving, dyeing, finishing, and knitting. Duniatex has professionally managed 20 manufacturing plants spreading across Central Java.
By Increasing Consistency in Brand Image Will Improve Brand Awareness
Through brand audit, we found out that DUNIATEX didn’t have a clear positioning as a brand, with inconsistency in brand visual implementation with no proper guideline and cohesiveness brand image on top of it.
Based on our increasing annual production capacity (up to 600 million meters of fabric), Duniatex is capable of becoming the world leader in the textile industry.
Spindle Production Capacity
of 1,5 Million
Denim Production Capacity
of 1 Million Yard A Month
Air Jet Loom Production Capacity
of 40 Million Meters A Month
Everyday Comfort
We did a rebrand of the old visual and make it suit today’s modern market and to not only offer trustworthiness but also quality by showing close up details of the fabric. And giving clear information on both the company and the products through the newly designed website and catalogue. Textile industry only acknowledge for two things. To be the most innovative or to embrace sustainability. We want to highlight what really matters, and provide what to be expected.