Roona’s Brand Vision Will Be To Enhance Woman’s Natural Beauty

Roona gives customers wellness and beauty products and services on the store. The provided products are soft lens, aroma diffuser, aroma therapy, facial spray, lashes care products, etc. For the services, they start with eyelash and brow treatment.

Filling Women Love Tank By 
Touching Their 5 Senses Through Services And Experiences Based On The 5 Love Languages

The 5 languages are the way to express & receive love. Everyone has their own primary love language that fills their love tanks. Understanding 5 love languages can help us effectively loving another person and strengthening our bond to self and others.

Roona provides service that could fulfill every customer’s 5 love language needs. With each aspect of service representing every love languages to make their experience more than just their beauty needs but to also fill their love jar all the way to the top!

To Love Yourself

The most faithful friend of ours is your inner-self. But, let's be honest, there are times that she doesn't behave well. She doubt ourself She judge ourself She hate ourself. Resulting in many insecurities that we often feel about ourself because our inner-self doesn’t get enough love.

Process of Transformation

The letter’s stem width of Roona’s logo changes, from a simple serif font to a serif font with a defined end. The transformation symbolizes the process of metamorphosis of a Butterly. It represents the transformation helped by Roona for every customer to become the best version of theirself.