Do You Fear Finance?
- Brand Audit
- Brand Strategy
- Brand Implementation
As the current generation hustled to achieve a successful financial life, investing and funding has been a hot thing in town. Esta Kapital is a P2P Fintech company, with a mission to “Build a Community without Poverty”. Since its launch in 2017, with over 100 million of total funding, they have been devoted to helping underprivileged people to improve their economic welfare. But, as finance is not as easy as flipping a coin, how can Esta Kapital help and guide people towards the right and safe step towards wealth?
A Hurdle Towards Affluence
Investing is the fundamental building block in achieving financial freedom, but it is one of the hardest things to master. With nobody to assist them, people will often found themself in a dark hole of confusion. In order for Esta Kapital to become the person people want to lean on to, their initial brand identity needed a fresh revamp, to build credibility and signify their place in the market.
The goal isn’t to have more money, the goal is living life on your terms.
Micro-Entrepreneurs That Have Been Funded
Total Disbursed Financing
Tingkat Keberhasilan < 90 (TKB90)
Roll To The Goal
With a goal to provide the right answers and shine a light on everyone who has any doubt or fear, to change how people see finance, we developed a new brand strategy that captures the feeling of safety and excellence. The brand new identity is bold, simple, and memorable. The arrow shape speaks to how Esta Kapital wants to be the person to guide people towards their financial goals. From now on, Esta Kapital wants to help people to feel safe and comfortable with personal finance, with little to no worries.