Grandairy Milk - Packaging Design by EGGHEAD Branding Agency


Grandairy Milk - Packaging Design by EGGHEAD Branding Agency

Transcending Their Professional Roots

Grandairy began its journey with a clear mission: to serve the professional food and beverage industry with specially-formulated milk products. The brand quickly became known for its premium quality, making it a favorite among baristas and bakers. Their initial product offerings were designed to meet the specific needs of professionals who demanded excellence in their culinary creations. Their Foaming Milk variant specifically formulated to allow baristas to create stunning latte designs, setting Grandairy apart as a brand dedicated to enhancing the art of coffee making. Additionally, the Multi-Function Foaming Milk is crafted to provide the ideal for bread and pastry creations.

As Grandairy’s reputation grew within the professional community, the brand recognized an opportunity for expansion. They envisioned a future where their productss can be appealing to and enjoyed by all Indonesian families. This vision led to the creation of a full cream milk variant designed for everyday family use. EGGHEAD was brough on board to guide this transition and help Grandairy evolve from a niche professional brand to a beloved family staple. We were tasked with redefining Grandairy’s visual identity through its product packaging development to reflect this transition.

Shaping Creativity with Dairy Products

  • Expanding Market Reach
    Transitioning from a niche market such as professional baristas and bakers to a broader mass market that includes all family members.

  • Maintaining Brand Identity
    Ensuring the brand’s impression and perception does not get diluted while making it appealing and accessible to families.

  • Effective Packaging System
    Creating product packaging design that resonates with a diverse demographic, from children to adults, while maintaining a cohesve and recognizable brand identity.

  • Encouraging Daily Use
    Promoting the new full cream variant as a versatile product for everyday use in various family activities and recipes.
Grandairy Milk - Packaging Design by EGGHEAD Branding Agency

Perfect Blend of Milky Wonders

Product Packaging Development

EGGHEAD design team involved in the process, and the design is focused on illustrating the everyday lives of Indonesian families. Each packaging features minimalistic yet memorable illustration depicting various family activities, such as breakfast time, family pincnics, and evening snacks and refreshments. This visual storytelling connects emotionally with consumers, reinforcing the idea that Grandairy is an integral part of their daily lives.

To inspire creativity in the kitchen, we included menu suggestions on the packaging. These suggestions range from hot chocolate recipes to innovative uses in cooking and baking, showcasing the versatility of Grandairy’s products. This approach not only provides practical value but also encourages families to explore new ways of incorporating milk into their everyday creations. The design system was implemented across, ensuring a consistent and recognizable brand presence. The versatility of the illustrations and the thoughtful design elements made the product appealing both on store shelves and in everyone’s home.

This project successfully transitioned the Grandairy from a professional niche to a beloved household name. The new visual development for the product packaging captures the essence of family togetherness and everyday enjoyment, making Grandairy a staple in Indonesian homes. EGGHEAD is proud to have helped Grandairy achieve this significant milestone, crafting creative spark in the dairy product industry that resonates with all groups of consumers across the nation.

Grandairy Milk - Packaging Design by EGGHEAD Branding Agency
Grandairy Milk - Packaging Design by EGGHEAD Branding Agency
Grandairy Milk - Packaging Design by EGGHEAD Branding Agency
Grandairy Milk - Packaging Design by EGGHEAD Branding Agency
Grandairy Milk - Packaging Design by EGGHEAD Branding Agency
Grandairy Milk - Packaging Design by EGGHEAD Branding Agency
Grandairy Milk - Packaging Design by EGGHEAD Branding Agency
Grandairy Milk - Packaging Design by EGGHEAD Branding Agency